Ellie Snow
Though I’m a life-long art lover and studier, I didn’t begin painting in earnest until the Pandemic. I suddenly had two small children at home to care for, educate and keep safe. My world shifted dramatically and the wellbeing of my family (and myself) was my main focus. To sort through all the complicated feelings I had, I began painting crowded gardens, suffocating in relentless growth, with an unnamed darkness lurking. I figured if I couldn’t make sense of the world, control it, or even keep my children safe within it, I could at least create something in spite of it all. As time went on, my art practice grew and I’m working to create a life with art at the center. My works continue to use landscape and the natural world as metaphor, and they often feel dream-like. I enjoy exploring themes around parenting, mental illness, and the beauty within.