Pete Rodrigues
For me, creating furniture as an art form is a process of visualizing what is possible — designing, building, and then letting it be used as function as much as form.Over the years, I have continued to grow in this process. In some ways, it has been more a personal growth rather than professional. I see us all like a piece of wood with our own cracks, twist, bows and rough cut edges. However, when put into the hands of the master craftsman, the wood can be turned into something beautiful.
Along the way I picked up a quote from the late furniture maker, Sam Maloof: “Too Often we who design things take all credit for what we do and if we have any kind of success we become very smog and conceited about it. I think all one has to do is look at a beautiful flower, a tree, or whatever, and realize what we do is very insignificant. We are only the instruments who make these beautiful objects.”
It has taken me a while to realize it’s a lot easier being the instrument than thinking I'm the Master Craftsman!