Below are listed the Responsibilities and Benefits of being a Owner/Member Artist and Selection Process.


Owner/Member would sign a contract for one year. After the first year, owner/member may remain as an owner/member, or resign giving 90 days notice.


• Invest in business - pay a one-time refundable fee of $150 for share of business.

• Pay monthly dues of $170.

• Attend monthly meetings. This is both a responsibility and benefit.

• Work in gallery 12-16 hours/month.

• Choose a gallery duty/committee (i.e. hospitality for Featured Artist show, marketing, etc)

• Provide adequate inventory of work for display and rotate regularly to maintain a fresh look in the gallery

• Provide and maintain a written inventory of work in the gallery


• Will own a share of the business

• Have a vote at meetings on all issues and matters concerning the gallery

• Exhibit artwork for sale at Hillsborough Gallery of Arts

• Earn 88% of sale of your artwork

• Have a Featured Artist show (with press release, e-card mailing and notification to local publications of Featured Show)

• Be represented on the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts website, with own artist page with artist statement, images and link to your personal website.

• Biocards designed by the gallery

• Have an equitable share of space in the gallery to display work

Selection Process

Generally, new members are considered on a quarterly basis (at the end of March, June, September, and December), but only if a current member has resigned to create an opening. Since membership openings only arise occasionally, not all quarters will necessarily have juries.


• We accept applications only when we have an opening. If you want to be notified when there is a vacancy, complete the Waiting List Contact Form. Once the gallery contacts you of an opening you may submit a full application.

• Prospective members must submit a completed application with application fee and send 5 high quality images in jpg format of current work via email. (See Application for specifications.) No original work at this point please.

• Those selected in the initial jury will be invited for an interview. At that time you can meet members, ask questions, and bring in recent, original representative work.

• All applicants will be notified of jury results. Accepted applicants will then be taken through the steps of officially joining with the gallery.

It is the policy of the Gallery to refrain from explanations of jury decisions. Critiques of submitted work will not be given. Members are chosen not only on the strength of their work but also on the needs of the Gallery at the time of application.


Questions regarding application may be directed to the Membership Chair at